Complex Assets

We can make complex giving simple.

Private / Pre-IPO Stock

IPOs, SPACs, and secondary liquidity events are important moments in a venture's growth. We believe they are untapped opportunities for venture leaders to demonstrate a commitment to impact by donating a portion of personally owned shares, company treasury stock, or both, prior to a liquidity event.

We facilitate the process, making it easy for other stockholders to join in the donation, lowering costs for all participants, and letting more funds flow to charity.

Please contact us at to engage our team in discussing a gift of pre-IPO stock.

All Other Complex Assets

Charityvest has assisted donors in the giving of complex assets such as:

  • LLC and Limited Partnership interests

  • Private Equity, Hedge Fund, and Venture Capital Fund interests

  • Real Estate

  • Life Insurance

  • Retirement Assets

  • Royalties

For specialized donations, Charityvest partners with a purpose-built complex gift acceptance firm to receive, report, custody, liquidate, and distribute proceeds for such assets. Our partner firm has nearly two decades of experience and has processed over $4.5 billion in non-cash gifts from individual donors into their donor-advised funds at various sponsors.

If you are interested in making a contribution of a complex asset to your Charityvest fund, please contact us. We will introduce you to our gift acceptance firm and they will provide an estimate of fees and timing within one business day.

Last updated